Tru2Life synthetic fiber looks and feels like real hair. The texture is light, soft and lustrous without being shiny, plus it’s heat-friendly! Straight styles can be curled and curly styles can be straightened using your flat iron, curling iron or blow dryer. Pictured colors may vary slightly from the actual color.
Gently remove tangles using your fingers or a wide-tooth comb. (Do not use a brush.) Start at the ends and slowly work toward the base to avoid damage. Do not overstretch or pull on the fiber.
Add 1 tbsp of HairUWear CLEANSE to a washbasin of cool water. Caution: Hot water will damage synthetic fiber.
Soak wig or hairpiece in washbasin for 3-5 minutes. Do not scrunch or agitate. Caution: Soaking longer than 5 minutes can damage the wig or hairpiece.
Rinse under cool running water until the water runs clear. Use a clean, colorfast towel to gently press out excess water. Do not twist or wring.
Apply a light mist of HairUWear RESTORE and comb through using a wide-tooth comb starting at the ends. Caution: Do not apply RESTORE directly to hand-tied areas as this may loosen the knots and cause shedding.
For wavy/curly styles, be careful not to overstretch or pull on the fiber.
The damp wig can then be placed on a HairUWear Wig Stand to dry. Hairpieces can be clipped on a hanger to dry, however hand-tied hairpieces should instead dry flat on a colorfast towel to prevent any damage to the delicate construction. Caution: Do not dry wig on a solid form or mannequin head to avoid overstretching the cap.
Shake to release fiber. Style with your fingers to achieve the desired look.
HairUWear offers a variety of styling brushes and combs specially designed for synthetic wigs and hairpieces.
Tru2Life fiber can be curled, waved, flat-ironed or blown dry to achieve a different texture. Once heat-styled, the wig or hairpiece will keep the new texture even after washing.
Use a light mist of HairUWear PROTECT heat-protectant silicone spray prior to heat-styling.
Tru2Life fiber can withstand a low-medium heat setting up to 350°F/180°C. Caution: Fiber will be damaged if the heat setting is too high. Do not heat-style while wearing as heat-friendly synthetic fiber will get very hot.
To straighten: take a 1-inch section and run a flat iron from the base to the ends. Allow to cool.
To curl: wrap a 1-inch section around a curling iron and hold for 10 seconds. Carefully slide the iron out and hold the curl shape with a hairpin or clip until completely cool to set the curl.
HairUWear offers medium hold, strong hold and heat-styling sprays specially formulated for synthetic fiber.
For wavy/curly styles, refresh the texture as needed by spritzing with a 50/50 mix of water and RESTORE while finger-styling
After each wearing, gently comb through the wig or hairpiece using your fingers or a wide-tooth comb.
Use HairUWear REFRESH neutralizing spray as needed to extend the time between washings.
To avoid unwanted kinks or crimps, store on a HairUWear Wig Stand (or clip hairpiece on a hanger).
To maintain wavy/curly textures, style only when the hair is completely dry using only your fingers. Do not comb or brush dry hair as this can loosen the texture.
After extended wear, matting and frizzing can occur. To detangle and recondition: wash as recommended, spray with HairUWear RESTORE, then comb through with a wide-tooth comb starting at the ends.